The FBI, Clarke County Sheriff’s Office, Athens-Clarke County Police Department and other law enforcement authorities are jointly partnering with the One Congregation One Precinct (OneCOP) initiative to present an important active shooter training and security briefing on Saturday, February 29th from 1:00pm-4:00pm in Athens (GA) that all congregations should take advantage of. There is no cost to attend.
Like all mass gatherings, houses of worship have particular reason to be concerned and prepared. Dozens of innocent people have been senselessly killed during recent mass shootings in Texas, Ohio, Virginia, California and elsewhere.
In light of these deadly assaults at/on faith communities in other cities, OneCOP is holding this emergency training session and comprehensive briefing for faith communities across Athens region. There will also be a robust question and answer period.
Senior law enforcement officials will present critical and potentially life-saving information and intelligence about the specific trends and threats that congregations may face. Notwithstanding any security measures or personnel you may already have in place including employing off-duty police officers, attendees will receive the most up-to-date intelligence, resources and data needed to bolster your existing security efforts.
RSVP’s are not required, but you can share the event at our Facebook page.
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