Uncategorized | April 3rd, 2020
Faith Organization’s Positive Impact During the Coronavirus

While our MovementForward, Inc. headquarters have been closed here in Atlanta, Georgia due to health concerns surrounding the coronavirus, I have been focusing many of my efforts on compiling a massive list of houses of worship throughout the United States for a national initiative we hope to start this year.
Every house of worship website I visit continues to show similar schedules of closures in order to stay healthy and keep their members safe during this time. It makes me reflect on how this virus is impacting and affecting our nation as well as on a global level. Having studied social work for my masters, I know that this time can be incredibly stressful and even bring about symptoms of trauma for some due to the nature of feeling helpless or isolated.
What I find so refreshing on many of these sites, from synagogues to churches, temples and mosques, is that they offer encouragement and hope through technology. Whether that be live streaming a service, offering prayer requests, or resources for mental health well-being, it is amazing to see how faith organizations are doing what they can to lessen the fear and negativity surrounding the coronavirus and doing it in a way to streamline it to the masses.
Anyone has the opportunity to go to a local faith organization’s website, even if you may not be affiliated with a particular one. If you are feeling as though you need that boost of hope and positivity, these organizations are making it possible to reach out and provide comfort.
Editorial Disclaimer: All blog posts are contributed by a member of the MovementForward, Inc. team in their personal capacity. The opinions expressed in the posts are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of MovementForward, Inc. or any other partnership associated with the organization.