Uncategorized | November 12th, 2020
House of Worship donates supplies to the Department of Correction for offenders reentering the community

As the holiday season approaches we are reminded that only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.
ITOWN Church in Fishers, IN is helping recently released individuals from jail get back on their feet. The church is donating backpacks full of hygiene products. 250 of those will be going out to men and women reentering their communities. This is the first of four donations the Church will be making throughout this holiday season.
We here at MovementForward, Inc. are thrilled to see the faith community and the Department of Correction support and encourage rehabilitated men and women to be productive and successful citizens in the community.
Editorial Disclaimer: All blog posts are contributed by a member of the MovementForward, Inc. team in their personal capacity. The opinions expressed in the posts are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of MovementForward, Inc. or any other partnership associated with the organization.